Thursday, June 24, 2010

Official Handwriting Analysis - Personality Report

Official Handwriting Analysis - Personality Report

This personality profile is based on the writing of Emma Yulia Sari created at the website: Handwriting - Handwriting University's Official automated personality report creator based on standardized basic personality traits as taught through Handwriting University's Certification Level Program.

Emma uses judgment to make decisions. She is ruled by her head, not her heart. She is a cool, collected person who is usually unexpressive emotionally. Some may see her as unemotional. She does have emotions but has no need to express them. She is withdrawn into herself and enjoys being alone.

The circumstances when Emma does express emotions include: extreme anger, extreme passion, and tremendous stress. If someone gets her mad enough to tell her off, she will not be sorry about it later. She puts a mark in her mind when someone angers her. She keeps track of these marks and when she hits that last mark she will let them know they have gone too far. She is ruled somewhat by self-interest. All her conclusions are made without outside emotional influence. She is very level-headed and will remain calm in an emergency situation. In a situation where other people might get hysterical, she has poise.

Emma will work more efficiently if given space and time to be alone. She would rather not be surrounded by people constantly. In a relationship, she will show her love by the things she does rather than by the things she says. Saying "I love you" is not a needed routine because she feels her mate should already know. The only exception to this is if she has logically concluded that it is best for her mate to hear her express her love verbally.

Emma is not subject to emotional appeals. If someone is selling a product to her, they will need to present only the facts. They should present them from a standpoint of her sound judgment. She will not be taken in by an emotional story about someone else. She will meet emergencies without getting hysterical and she will always ask "Is this best for me?"

People that write their letters in an average height and average size are moderate in their ability to interact socially. According to the data input, Emma doesn't write too large or too small, indicating a balanced ability to be social and interact with others.

Emma will demand respect and will expect others to treat her with honor and dignity. Emma believes in her ideas and will expect other people to also respect them. She has a lot of pride.

Emma will be candid and direct when expressing her opinion. She will tell them what she thinks if they ask for it, whether they like it or not. So, if they don't really want her opinion, don't ask for it!

In reference to Emma's mental abilities, she has a very investigating and creating mind. She investigates projects rapidly because she is curious about many things. She gets involved in many projects that seem good at the beginning, but she soon must slow down and look at all the angles. She probably gets too many things going at once. When Emma slows down, then she becomes more creative than before. Since it takes time to be creative, she must slow down to do it. She then decides what projects she has time to finish. Thus she finishes at a slower pace than when she started the project.

She has the best of two kinds of minds. One is the quick investigating mind. The other is the creative mind. Her mind thinks quick and rapidly in the investigative mode. She can learn quicker, investigate more, and think faster. Emma can then switch into her low gear. When she is in the slower mode, she can be creative, remember longer and stack facts in a logical manner. She is more logical this way and can climb mental mountains with a much better grip.

Emma's true self-image is unreasonably low. Someone once told Emma that she wasn't a great and beautiful person, and she believed them. Emma also has a fear that she might fail if she takes large risks. Therefore she resists setting her goals too high, risking failure. She doesn't have the internal confidence that frees her to take risks and chance failure. Emma is capable of accomplishing much more than she is presently achieving. All this relates to her self-esteem. Emma's self-concept is artificially low. Emma will stay in a bad situation much too long... why? Because she is afraid that if she makes a change, it might get worse. It is hard for Emma to plan too far into the future. She kind of takes things on a day to day basis. She may tell you her dreams but she is living in today, with a fear of making a change. No matter how loud she speaks, look at her actions. This is perhaps the biggest single barrier to happiness people not believing in and loving themselves. Emma is an example of someone living with a low self-image, because their innate self-confidence was broken.

Emma is sarcastic. This is a defense mechanism designed to protect her ego when she feels hurt. She pokes people harder than she gets poked. These sarcastic remarks can be very funny. They can also be harsh, bitter, and caustic at the same time.

Emma is very self-sufficient. She is trying not to need anyone. She is capable of making it on her own. She probably wants and enjoys people, but she doesn't "need" them. She can be a loner.

For a graphologist, the spacing on the page reflects the writer's attitude toward their own world and relationship to things in his or her own space. If the inputted data was correct Emma has left lots of white space on the left side of the paper. Emma fills up the rest of the page in a normal fashion. If this is true, then Emma has a healthy relationship to the past and is ready to move on. The right side of the page represents the future and Emma is ready and willing to get started living now and planning for the future. Emma would like to leave the past behind and move on.


hmmm.... some of those analysis was right, but i think many of them were overgeneralized. what do u think? does it represent who i am?

buat kamu. ya, kamu.

sejauh saya mengenal seorang kawan. anda adalah seorang kawan yang teraneh. sulit sekali saya mendefinisikan hubungan pertemanan kita. seorang teman dekat? sekedar kawan? atau, hanya kenalan?

seorang teman dekat tak akan memandang temannya aneh saat bertemu. pun tidak akan sok tak saling mengenal. seorang kenalan tak akan mendiskusikan karakter personal dan segala hal yang sifatnya dekat. sementara sebatas teman tak akan memposisikan diri lebih tinggi dari temannya.

fyi, dari dulu sampai sekarang, saya memandang anda tak lebih dari teman. itu saja. tapi sikap anda terkadang sangat menyebalkan dan membuat saya merasa tidak nyaman. sering kali dalam pembicaraan atau diskusi kita, anda tidak menempatkan saya dalam posisi yang setara. sering kali, tanpa anda sadari, anda memaksakan nilai2 pribadi anda pada saya. anda menjadi memperlakukan saya seolah saya adalah pribadi rapuh dan perlu bimbingan. perilaku anda sangat berbeda pada satu momen ke momen yang lain. dan saya tidak suka.

sudah berapa kali saya harus menelan emosi saya menghadapi anda yang sok tau. saya belajar bersabar. tapi saya merasa saya tidak dihargai sebagai seorang teman. anda terlalu banyak mendikte saya. huff...

kalau di hari lain saya bisa menahan diri dan tetap tersenyum menghadapi anda. tidak kali ini. saya rasa, saya butuh waktu dan akan membuat jarak. bukan untuk memutus silaturahim. tapi semata untuk menjaga prasangka.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

senja di ujung pulau

ingin bersandar di teras rumahmu
dimana pasir dan laut bertemu dan saling menyatu
bebatuan rela dihempas ombak karena fitrah yang diiringi kecintaan

senja itu kita bersama,
kau dan aku
diam sambil bertukar rasa lewat udara
kau tahu?
sudah lama aku menunggu saat ini
dimana hanya ada kau, aku dan semilir angin laut menepi pantai

ada banyak hal yang ingin dibagi
bahkan telah kususun daftar panjang
kutulis di lembar tissue toilet yang sengaja kubeli
di toko kelontong pinggir jalan raya yang ditunggui perempuan paruh baya bermata indah
dan, percaya atau tidak, gulungan itu tak cukup menampung kesahku

ah, ya rutuklah aku
aku hanya si perindu dungu
yang jadi gagu didepanmu
bahkan ragaku pun kelu hanya karena kau lirik,

gombalanku memang tak bermutu,
untuk itu biarkan aku diam saja
dan bersandar sambil memejamkan mata
di terasmu
di sampingmu yang sibuk memandang awan
menyisir langit mencari elang

rindu ramadhan

baru kali ini merasakan kerinduan macam ini.

membuncah, meledak, sampai ingin menangis.

Allah... sampaikan hamba...sampaikan hamba...